
Let us be as Paul in Romans 8:38: I Am persuaded…, amen. Of what rather of whom is He persuaded? Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) come in fullness of grace and truth (John 1:16-17) for us by our Fathers (Avi) heart of mercy and love. (John 3:16, I John 4:7-19) Amen I am, the declaration of the Lord as our Messiah and being established (II Thessalonians 3:3) in the Truth He is our Salvation. the faith (peitheo-confidence) of believing (pistis-faith) we cannot be moved.

In the word studies of Bible Hub states it very clearly and precise for us: to persuade (passive) be persuaded of what (whom) is trustworthy. God’s hand teaching and guiding us (II Peter 3:18, Ephesians 1:17-21) into the fact that He is and He is for us. (Colossians 2:6-7) Amen

This is our blessed and graciously given hope (Romans 15:13), daily, faith, persuasion of whom our God is and of our righteousness (II Corinthians 5:21) to come boldly (Hebrews 4:14-16) to fellowship with Avi (my Father) for any need or want. amen

Being persuaded that by Fathers love and mercy His Son sent. His Holy judgment and justice poured out and satisfied in Jesus at the Cross (Romans 4:22-26) that we are forever His children, heirs. (Galatians 4:1-7) No more in death nor sin but life. (Romans 8:2) Being persuaded/confident He will in us (Philippians 1:6) bring us to His fullness, home forever in Him.

Shalom Beloved-yes we are persuaded



Praise God for He is our only ultimate consolation. He did not just alleviate (changed us into His own-Galatians 4:3-7) our suffering and death in this world but by His mighty love He gave us the justifier for us (Romans 3:21-26) that His righteousness now be ours in Christ. (II Corinthians 5:21) Amen and amen.

The Truth of God and His Word unto us (Numbers 23: 19) that we have been given His Only son (John 3:16-17) for salvation and not judgement. We are justified by His righteousness because He poured judgement upon His Son at the Cross. (Isaiah 43:25, 44:22, 53:12) the choice is ours now: to believe or reject. The time will come for the judgement but not for sin but the acceptance or rejection of Jesus. Amen Again seeing the heart of Gods love for us in His waiting to send Jesus back for those still being saved. (II Peter 3:9) Thank you Father, our Abba, our Avi.

It is His joy to and in and for us that is our strength (place of refuge (Psalms 91), comfort and protection-Nehemiah 8:10). Daily (Matthew 6:11) being strong in Him by His Word. (Jeremiah 15:16, II Timothy 3:16-17) Our Lord Jesus amen and amen. (II timothy 2:1) Having the consolation, surety (Ephesians 1:13-14) of Christ our foundation. (II Timothy 2:19)

Shalom Blessed Beloved


Blessed so we Praise, Praise because we are blessed

Amen, it is not that we have to but are able to, given the free choice to praise or not to. Amen The goodness of our God to us (James 1:16-18) over and abundant flowing freely (Ephesians 3:19-20) that in all things (Romans 8:28) we may have the assurance of Gods love (John 3:16-17, I John 4:19) and grace: praise Him.

We will walk as the Psalmist said: (89:15) Blessed the people (us) that know (believe/trust) the joyful sound: (Jeremiah 15:16) they shall walk (Psalms 119: 105) O Lor, in the light of thy countenance. (Ephesians 5:8) Amen

Grace has given us Himself filled with the Truth (John 1:16-17) that as we Praise God we are pRaised up in body, soul and spirit. Amen Praise God amen.

Shalom beloved



I was struck by I Peter 3:8 this morning. Not for a particular reason but felt led to read again and to meditate upon. The key is always our Lord Jesus amen. In verse 7 we are to cast (actually having thrown) all upon Him for HE careth (great interest-love for you-John 3:16-17) for you. Amen God first loved us is key (I john 4:19) for us being able to rest, (Hebrews 4: 10) relax and to let go. (Matthew 6: 27,34, 32) It is a constant, daily blessing given us. Many times, a blessing we forget but are reminded in love to do so. Our God ever smiling and pleased with us saying yes, come, come. amen (Matthew 11:28-30, Hebrews 10: 19) Amen

The Holy Spirit wanted me to zero in on verse 8 having established Jesus as the One (John 14:6). In Ephesians 6: 10-18 we know it is about spiritual warfare and not the physical. (Hebrews 11:1) The physical is manifestations of the warfare going on. So, the Holy Spirit emphasizing not about our efforts to be sober-minded and vigilant because of the devil but to concentrate on the VICTORY of the Cross (John 19:30, Mark 16:19, Revelation 19:6) whereby the devil having been defeated but not yet thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10) still torments today, for he hates man with a dark hatred. Seeing Gods heart of pure, holy love for man as He tarries our Lords return for those souls to be saved that are not yet. (Ezekial 33:11, II Peter 3:9, Ephesians 1: 3-4-He knows who by free will say yes)

Praise God we live in the Victor, the Savior of us today and forever. Coming back to being sober minded and vigilant. It sounds like effort but in Truth it is rest in calmness. Yes, we work to enter His rest but only by Grace and Shalom. Which is what Peter is saying. It is the confidence of our Lord in us (II Thessalonians 3:3) that we are established in His Shalom, (II Timothy 1:6) calmness in any storm or quiet time. Amen Knowing, established in Him our goodness no matter what. (Romans 8:28-because of 8:1-2)

Shalom Beloved


Word cannot be voided

Amen, this morning as I was pondering about what to blog I was led to Isaiah 55:7-13. What a gift of hope (Romans 15:13) given even more blessing in these times. Our God IS in control (Revelation 19:6) and His Word, Jesus Christ (John 1:1-2) cannot, impossible, will not happen (Numbers 23: 19-20) to be returned void. (empty, vain) Amen Our assurance from Gods mouth, THE GOOD NEWS, Gospel to all. (John 3:16-17)

How blessed we are in Him to have joy and rejoicing (Jeremiah 15:16) and Himself our Shalom (John 14:27) in this day and age. At our gathering yesterday, blessed with family and thanksgiving, I was so happy to have Him so that as different world events or things were discussed having shalom knowing His word to us. Not necessarily having an answer (Isaiah 55:8) for the things being discussed but knowing THE Answer and Himself never being void, empty. But in grace and truth (John 1:16-17) by the Holy Spirit (John 14: 16-20,26) ever revealing Jesus to us. (Ephesians 1:17-23, II Peter 3:18) Amen

In such rest and hope given us (II Corinthians 1:20-22, 4: 5-7) abundantly (God loves to give us above what we need or ask) we are confident (Philippians 1:6), resting (Hebrews 4:9-13) in:

we shall go out with joy and be led forth with shalom; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. All in and because our God has spoken and His Word, our Lord Jesus cannot nor ever will return void. Praise God

Shalom Beloved
