
To not forget daily of our Lords loves and grace towards us.  That while we were yet sinners He came and died for us. (Romans 5:8-9) Sent by our Father. (John 3:16-17) Not to judge but to save.  Remember amen.

So we remember to be persuaded (to receive and believe Him) that what He promised He HAS DONE. ( Numbers 23:19,Romans 4:21-22)  For us to remember,  is it not also faith.  So easy and made simple for us. amen

Remembering what our God has said unto Jeremiah that applies to us today:

For I  know(remember and confess)

the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord

thoughts of shalom, and not of evil,

to give you and expected end. (Romans 5:17-19)

Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah means the exaltation of the Lord.  amen  To the One who loves us unconditionally (Romans 8:1-2) given us His righteousness before the Father (II Corinthians 5:21).  amen  So let us remember Him daily, hourly by minute as we need. Seeing Him ever for us. (Psalms 118:29) Amen

Shalom Beloved



Love and Grace

Oh the love and grace of our God is our truth.  It is one person, our Lord Jesus Christ. (John 1:14, 16-17) amen  Thank God that it is not by our understanding or humanness to see (Colossians 2:8, Ephesians 4:17-18).

You cannot reason out grace.  You can not understand by the natural mind.  Try as you might it just does not make sense.  Why would a God, mighty in power and above all, still love the creation that turned on Him, (Genesis 3:6-7) and rejected and spit in the  face (Romans 1:19-23, Mark 15:17-18) of our Savior?  Simple,  love given to us in grace. (John 3:16-17, I John 4:8-10,19)  amen  Just take a breath and let out a sigh of rest in Him.

oh that we all would know how much we are loved and forgiven  First for ourselves an than unto others.  amen

This blog is in response for  a question  asked of me about a particular sin and the condemnation that is seen by the church and others today.  Ah my heart breaks for the sin is NOT the question, PERIOD!  It is the one who paid the price, ONCE for ALL, for sin.  So the answer is Christ Jesus not the sin.  Does not mean we condone but I am not the judge nor the one who condemns.  We need to see Him and not the sin.  Remembering we are still prone to sin as long as He tarries.  There is ONLY ONE who has sinless perfection and we ain’t it.  In fact for  believers (His saints-Romans 8:26-27) we should be seeing how God magnifies His grace and love to us every time we sin. (Romans 8:1-2)  It is not we stay or enjoy sinning but rather we know Him who IS our I AM (I John 4:17) for when we fail.  Oh the love and grace of our God amen.  He is our focus and Truth. (Romans 5:8-9)

So beloved know you are unconditionally beloved and favored with the blessings of God. So if besieged by a sin or thought of it cast to Him whom paid for it.  See Him and talk with Him and you will find you walk away from the sin and into Him. (Matthew 11:28-30)  amen

Shalom Beloved



We all want this but do not want to pay the price to obtain it.  ouch  Yet many still try to do on their own, thinking (oops) that this is the way.  Thinking is  okay but by faith I receive and walk not by my understanding.

Anyway I began to read James today and got no further than 1:2-3:

My Brethren, count it all joy when you fall into

divers (various) temptations(testings);

Knowing (coming to know, recognize, understand-Romans 5:1-5)

that the trying (trustworthiness) of your faith (confidence in Him)

worketh (accomplishes, finishes

patience.(steadfastness, cheerful endurance)

I began to see, by the revelation of the Holy Spirit (II Peter 3:18) that our trials, thought they may appear by our hand(Psalms 23:4) are about our Lord Jesus.  His faithfulness and protection (Psalms 91) for us a paid for at the Cross. Finished (John 19:30, Galatians 3:13)  We may now face knowing-understanding-recognizing our Lord Jesus (Psalms 118:29) that He will (II Corinthians 12:9) and is ever with us. (Hebrews 13:5-6)

So my joy is in the trials as they come not,  for myself and my efforts (or definitely enjoyment in the  flesh) but rather the Truth of His marvelous Grace supplying all we need (Philippians 4:19,13) FOR any; trial, tribulation or even just resting in His peace.  amen.

The Truth of His patience being worked out in us. (Philippians 2:12)  So it is not so much  we fall into trials but that they arise so that our salvation, steadfastness in Him is worked out in and for us to see and have the marvelous hope that is our Lord Jesus Christ.  amen Remember you are a chosen and royal priesthood (I Peter 2:9) who are kept by the power of God. (I Peter 1:5)

So , yes, with joy do we count diverse temptations.  Seeing Jesus.  Selah

Shalom Beloved



He Reigns

Such power and majesty in these two words.

 Lord Reigneth

Psalms 93:1, 96:10, 97:1, 99:1

Our Lord Reigns

Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth

Revelation 19:6



So simple yes but powerful which is our Lord and how He deals with us.  So gentle and loving and caring.  His goodness evermore for us in His grace. (Psalms 118:29)

If He reigns, which He does (Numbers 23:19)  amen  The Word of the Lord Himself has stated so. How may we but rest in Him.  amen Remember not to let condemnation in (Romans 8:1) when you fail or fall (resting in His righteousness-II Corinthians 5:21) but rather glorying and giving thanks to Jesus, who reigns, for His life, truth and gracious love. (Romans 8:2).  Amen    So blessed and favored.  Take and receive from Him. Resting in Him who reigns, so you do not have to.(even if you could-amen) amen

Shalom Beloved



This morning as I was listening to music The Lord said to me; I AM your Song. (Exodus 15:2, Isaiah 12:2) the Hebrew word is the same in both verses; zimrath which is instrumental music by implication praise.  amen  Oh so rich to see our Lord as Praise, giving to us Himself so we walk in praise and His music; words and spiritual hymns. (Ephesians 5:19-20, Psalms 100)  Yes and amen our Lord, our SONG.

Making melodies in our hearts.  Zimrath’s root word is zamar which is to strike with the fingers or to touch, play, make music.  The beauty of our Lord Jesus, our song.  We may play Him, touch Him  and make music with Him.  He is ever with us and graciously giving us the Fathers love, grace and mercies. (Psalms 118:29)

Ahh just rest in and meditate for a moment upon our Song.  He is with us (Deuteronomy 31:6) constantly (Hebrews 13:5) so we may hum Him at anytime and know Him. (II Peter 3:18)  amen

I find it is interesting  in both Exodus and Isaiah,  song found in verse two.  The number that represents our Lord Jesus in the Triune God.  Coincidence-I think not.  ( II Timothy 1:9)amen  Also 12 is perfect divine authority ( Christ Jesus) and 15 new direction.

Our Lord Jesus is our new direction(John 3:16-17) and the divine perfection sent by Father to free us and cleanse us eternally.  That forever we are His children.  (Galatians 4:6-7) Let us sing our Song.  amen

Shalom Beloved

Melody of Love and Grace: Jesus
