Such strong affirmation of God to us in Christ Jesus. No more you shall but I WILL. God resting in Christ finished work (John 17:4, 19:30) and so to we. (Hebrews 4:9-11) amen Reading in Matthew this morning and was struck again of Gods heart and will for us. In Matthew 8:3 Jesus responding to the leper saying I WIll and put forth His hand and touched Him making Him clean.

First and foremost seeing the One who wrote the Law fulfilling it in Himself. (Matthew 5:17-showing only God can for man failed time after time) For the law says the leper to be put out of the camp and not be touched or make you unclean. Seeing our Gods heart of love (John 3:16-17) and salvation in the Truth of the Grace of God (John 1:14,17) from the Cross. He touched the leper making Him clean and thus saving Him. No law of condemnation (Romans 8:1-2) but grace making the leper and us righteous. (II Corinthians 5:21)

Jesus heart and thus the Fathers (John 10:30, I John 4:9-10, 19) of love to us all. Once untouchable and out of the camp but now in Christ Jesus restored and brought home. The children of God. (Ephesians 1:3-9) Father not satisfied for some but would that all come. (II Peter 3:9) HIS WILL of love and grace and restoration ever in and before us. Hallelujahs ring, Selah

Shalom Beloved


All Things

This day I am being reminded by Father that He has got this (whatever your this may be) through the finished work of Jesus Christ (John 17:4) and the Shalom we walk in by the Holy Spirit. (John 14:16,26) God Himself has spoken (Numbers 23:19) and I receive His Grace and Truth (John 1:17) in All things. For He alone has the power, love and desire to make all things good for me and you. (Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:13,19) amen

I am appreciative that even though in the King James it says ‘that love God’ works for but remember we love Him because He first loved us. (I John 4:19) So in our loving is by His hand of grace. Nothing of us but to rest in and receive ( II Peter 1:2-3, I Peter 1:3, II Timothy 1:9, 2:19, II Thessalonians 2:16-17) all of Himself. amen Seeing we are called by His hand and know that the good, whether it be seen or not (Hebrews 11:2) is to know the good is empowered by God for us and in us. amen

Therefore in all things we know for our good even if starting out bad. Our God reigns (Revelation 19:6) and I am thankful for His mercies which endure forever amen. (Psalms 118:29) This then is our declaration (Romans 10:10,17) of our Gods faithfulness (II Thessalonians 3:3) and goodness to us. (Romans 8:28) Today for tomorrow takes care of itself. (Matthew 6:34) Selah

Shalom Beloved



Let us remind ourselves we are victorious in Christ Jesus. Daily the fight already won; resting and walking in our Lord Jesus Christ. (growing II Peter 3:18) In I Corinthians 15:57 we are instructed to give thanks (hallelujahs) to God for (not going or will) our victory in Christ Jesus. If we remember anything else of His Grace and Truth know we are victors in Christ. This helps set us in our daily receiving righteousness, (II Corinthians 5:21) ours now (I John 4:17) and the shalom of no condemnation (Romans 8:1-2)(paid for once and for all). amen and amen How can we not give thanks. No work but just sweet amazing grace and Gods love. (Hebrews 13:20-21) amen

Thanks is Gods desire or leaning to us to give us Himself; so in us He has given us the desire to lean (Psalms 91:1-4) to Him in thanksgiving. (Psalms 100) Oh our father has loved us so even in thanks coming from His goodness and mercies. (Psalms 118:29) Giving is active on our part to continue by God to give thanks. Oh so much we have in Christ Jesus that we walk in victory. Not as we see with our eyes but His and we have this hope in Him. (Hebrews 11:2) amen

Just remembering Gods love in that 15 is five times three. God is gracious and loving to us in everything (Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:19) such we know we are victorious in God (Philippians 4:13) Beloved. So I rejoice again and again giving thanks. (Philippians 4:4) amen

Shalom Beloved Victorious


No foundation but Jesus Christ

It is settled by Paul’s writing (I Corinthians 3:11) inspired by the Holy Spirit. (II Timothy 3:16, I Peter 1:25) There can be no other foundation but Jesus Christ. Cursed twice is anyone who would teach otherwise. Jesus Christ is the Grace and Truth (John 1:16-17) and there is none other. (John 14:6) Good news that we are saved only by Him and through Him and not of ourselves. (Titus 3:5, Ephesians 2:4-10) Our righteous foundation of whom we are. (II Corinthians 5:21) So many different and foolish , futile, foolish doctrines we make as our foundations. No not one but the One, Jesus. I am not saying that they are not true but they are OF the Truth and not The Truth. Oh thank God for His mercies that we rest in Him knowing that our Jesus has done all for us (II Corinthians 1:20). That we have the sure knowledge we are Gods dwelling (I Corinthians 3:16) and beyond any doubt, work, saying or other foundation we are Christs and Christ is Gods. (John 10:27-30) amen and amen

This sure foundation is our rock (Matthew 7:24-25) whereby we in Christ are covered (Psalms 91) and withstand any storm that comes. In Him I am sure of myself as a child (Galatians 4:6-7) of God in whom Father IS WELL PLEASED. So if doubts or fears or emotions arise that seem otherwise they are but foolish and vain thoughts. amen I confess my foundation which is Christ Jesus and He is my judge. (I Corinthians 4:4) Knowing He does not condemn but gives us life. (Romans 8:1-2) amen Praise God for the Holy Spirit that daily reveals to us each of Christ Jesus (II Peter 3:18) and His immovable foundation.

Shalom Beloved


Mind which was in Christ

Now we can say let this mind be in us as it is in Christ. Paul I beleive was showing and telling us the mind of Christ. (Philippians 2:5) I was thinking this is Christ mind as a noun (the person of) but this mind is a verb. It shows us how Christ mind was. The object of thought, to think. All of this in the present (now) imperial (command) active (doing) of the second person ; you and me.

We may see the mind in Christ in Romans 8:6 which is peace and life. (Romans 8:2) This is what He thought for He was always cognizant of the Father and His love for Him. (Matthew 3:17) So we need to be cognizant of the mind of the Father for us: one of love, grace, blessings and mercies beyond our comprehension. (Psalms 103:12) As for the carnally minded we know that Christ Jesus saved our minds from this by wearing the crown of thorns at Calvary. He paid for us to have our minds be of the Father and Himself. amen

Having His mind we are able to have the understanding daily (II Peter 3:18) to think and receive Jesus in revelation and knoweldge. Our minds being on Jesus; He is the object of our minds and thoughts. We have His shalom in our hearts and minds. Therefore we are able by the Holy Spirit to work out (Philippians 2:13) Gods work in us. By the Holy Spirit inwardly (cognitive) and outwardly (viscerally). Why we walk/resting in Him with the confidence being like minded as
Christ Jesus as His kings and priests (Revelation 1:6,5:10) now. (I John 4:17)

Shalom Beloved
