They that wait

Isaiah 40:31 (but they that wait upon the Lord shall….) I have quoted many times, and many more times shall I do by His grace.  amen  This weekend I received the blessing of His mighty grace and revelation to give me understanding in a different light of our waiting.  yes and amen

We see from the but that we should look at the preceding verse.  See here basically that the youth, in this case the world, will faint an be weary for they do in their own strength.  This is true of believers also if we try in our own might(law) to do and help God out.  Remember the adage that God helps those who help themselves is NO where in the Bible, thus it is NOT Gods words.  amen  He is the I AM! period.  He needs nothing from us.  Yet He is so gracious merciful and kind to give constantly to us.(Psalms 118:29)

So it is not what we do but what we do not do.  Our hope, trust, expectation, binding together, and to collect  is in Him and His goodness and love to us.  The Hebrew word for wait is qavah which ends in hei–grace.  So we are waiting on  Grace which is given and ours to take, collect, expect which binds us togehter closer with our Lord.  Each time give us confident expectation of His love and Goodness to us.  yes and amen

There were several times this past weekend where I was at a lost of what to do and each time God led me, provided for me and showed me that I got this.  So my waiting was hearing Him, giving thanks to Him each and every situation.  amen  I wish I could say I did not get fearful, or flustered or short with others but yet each time God answered.  See son it is not of you but of me.  Have the hope and trust that I will do all for you.  yes an amen   Not just in the spiritual world like some esoteric woo woo thing but  in this world( I John 4:17).  Now and practical and real for us.  The beauty is that it was never dependent upon me but rather the Truth and Word-Jesus Christ.  amen  I thank God and praise Him so that it is given me daily in all situations.  So again by Grace it is never dependent upon myself or thoughts, deeds, feelings, fears etc.  Our loving God is there.  So wait, let Him take care of you. amen


Shalom Beloved


Where you are, where your at

It matters not to God where you are or where your at.  He found you and now resides in you. He cannot ever leave you otherwise what He said would not be true.  (Numbers 23:19)Rest in His faithfulness, His presence, His Truth. Even if your in a rut He is there. I have gone to Tennessee and my  routines been scrambled. But Abba showing me He has not changed and all is well in Him. Interesting in Him things that before would throw me I find in Him it’s ok. I am in Him so where I am is always where He is.  So refreshing and restful.  Knowing all things are working for our good no matter where we are. Amen

Shalom Beloved        Selah


I was reading  devo on how Jesus touched the leper. (Matthew 8:1-4) and made him whole.  Jesus could have just said be healed but went the extra by physically touching him to show forth His mighty love and the love of the Father.  This is our mighty God. Not just content to tell us of His love but to show us by touching, talking leading us and carrying us upon His shoulders.(Luke 15:3-7, John 10:14, 27-30)

Total is our God love and mercy to us.  No half measures or wait till tomorrow.  No now is the time and now is the Grace and Truth to us.  yes and amen  Total eternally given.(Psalms 118:29)

I keep coming back to the Lord saying I will and touching him.  Oh such mercy, love and tenderness.  Our whole being, spirit, soul and body touched by God.  Total nothing left undone-finished all.  amen

I was also struck that total is five letters.  Just as hei in Hebrew is the number five.  Grace.  This is the touching of our God.  Hands on.  Ever gentle loving but yet teaching us and leading us.(Psalms  23: 2-3) into the finished work of our Lord. (John 19:30, II Peter 3:18) amen  Resting in His total love and grace today.  amen

Shalom Beloved



Oh Praise God who is our life.  He who has given and gives unto us most abundantly (Ephesians 3:16-20,Titus 3:4-6) in  our Lord Jesus Christ.  amen  Our life because God loves(present and ongoing)us so. (Ephesians 2:4, I John 4:19, John 3:16-17)

In this day of Grace and Truth (John 1:17) we have our life and Father desires it for all. (II Peter 3:9)  This is our God.  Not what the world sees or thinks or has heard.  All lies.  Man desires life and we have been so blessed to have received by His grace and light.  (II Corinthians 4:6-7)  yes and amen  Good News yes and amen.  This is our life and He is Jesus.

So today as I was reading in II Corinthians 4, I have always stopped sorta at these verses being uplifted.  Today Abba said keep reading.  So as I read 4:8-18 Father was saying see I have for you in my Son given you life.  The world does not dictate to us what we are or who we may be for all is things seen but not the Truth.  Jesus Christ our Lord and King and the things unseen in Him.  This is our Truth-life.   Ah the love of the Father to us is so great, greater than the death and lies (Romans 8:1-2) of the enemy of this world.  Praise God in Him is our life and victory. (I Corinthians 15:57, I John 5:4-5)  So there may be trials and stuff, aches and pains etc. but only for a moment and at that; light affliction. (temporarily for the occasion)  amen

He is our life. I John 5:10-12.  Life is the Son amen.  Given freely at great cost(Cross) and  in Gods great love for us it is finished.(John 19:30)  So rest in Him knowing yes life is ours in Him here(I John 4:17) and when we see Him face to face.  amen

Shalom Beloved


Faithful is He

Not my faith but His.  I believe in Him and His faithfulness to me. (Psalms 91:4-trust is also faithfulness)  I see it every day in His answers to my prayers.  In His living, loving response to me when I but cry out.  He never fails nor leaves me. (Hebrews 13:5-6) This is our God.  So I am learning not so much my faith but His.  (II Peter 3:18)

You may say but what about our faith.  It says we must have faith etc.  So my answer is to you; what is our faith?  Is it not accepting the faithfulness, love, grace and mercy of God to us. Taking God at His Word.  yes and amen  Shown to us in Christ our Lord. (Psalms 118:29) amen   He is so I am. ( I John 4:17)  It was never incumbent upon me.  We see in the Nation of Israel what our efforts are-nothing, falling short.

Christ came full of Grace and Truth, ( John 1:17) the only one who could and did fulfill the law perfectly.  His obedience, His faith.  So yes I have faith, faith in the One who is Faith.  Not mine but my faith in Him.  This is my faith–He said and it is done. (Numbers 23:19) Never dependent upon us-thank God-amen.  Even in our prayers we see His answers and His faithfulness.  amen   Just rest in Him and see your salvation.(Psalms 91:16-Yeshuah) Faithful is He.  amen

Shalom Beloved
