
I was struck by I Peter 3:8 this morning. Not for a particular reason but felt led to read again and to meditate upon. The key is always our Lord Jesus amen. In verse 7 we are to cast (actually having thrown) all upon Him for HE careth (great interest-love for you-John 3:16-17) for you. Amen God first loved us is key (I john 4:19) for us being able to rest, (Hebrews 4: 10) relax and to let go. (Matthew 6: 27,34, 32) It is a constant, daily blessing given us. Many times, a blessing we forget but are reminded in love to do so. Our God ever smiling and pleased with us saying yes, come, come. amen (Matthew 11:28-30, Hebrews 10: 19) Amen

The Holy Spirit wanted me to zero in on verse 8 having established Jesus as the One (John 14:6). In Ephesians 6: 10-18 we know it is about spiritual warfare and not the physical. (Hebrews 11:1) The physical is manifestations of the warfare going on. So, the Holy Spirit emphasizing not about our efforts to be sober-minded and vigilant because of the devil but to concentrate on the VICTORY of the Cross (John 19:30, Mark 16:19, Revelation 19:6) whereby the devil having been defeated but not yet thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10) still torments today, for he hates man with a dark hatred. Seeing Gods heart of pure, holy love for man as He tarries our Lords return for those souls to be saved that are not yet. (Ezekial 33:11, II Peter 3:9, Ephesians 1: 3-4-He knows who by free will say yes)

Praise God we live in the Victor, the Savior of us today and forever. Coming back to being sober minded and vigilant. It sounds like effort but in Truth it is rest in calmness. Yes, we work to enter His rest but only by Grace and Shalom. Which is what Peter is saying. It is the confidence of our Lord in us (II Thessalonians 3:3) that we are established in His Shalom, (II Timothy 1:6) calmness in any storm or quiet time. Amen Knowing, established in Him our goodness no matter what. (Romans 8:28-because of 8:1-2)

Shalom Beloved


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