God is so good to us, delighting (Zephaniah 3:17) in showing us His Son in wisdom, grace and understanding. (John 14:26, 16:7-15) Our understanding we are righteous (II Corinthians 5:21) in Christ growing daily. (II Peter 3:18) Amen.

This morning was dwelling on II Corinthians 5:21 and Titus 3:5 about righteousness. Thanking God for His and not mine. Realizing how when we add self to righteousness is when problems abound. Amen. As always it must be of Jesus no matter our intentions, in fact if we but rest it is amazing the works of God and what gets accomplished. As my pastor says: you work, God rests, you rest God works. Lot less stress, heartache and fears amen. But remember the beauty of God and His love is full, never diminished even when we fall into self-righteousness; there is no condemnation (Romans 8:1-2) but the Holy Spirit reminds us again of our Shepherd, Jesus.

The awesomeness of the Word is eye opening daily for today dwelling on righteousness and Psalms 23 was in the back of my mind. Seeing our Shepherd, perfect image of Jesus and us, and His righteous care for us. Even when we go off into the valley of death, not sent but in our self– going, He is with us. (Hebrews 13:5,8) Amen.

So, comforting to know beyond doubt we are beloved and covered in His righteousness no matter what. When self gets in the way our Shepherd uses the Holy Spirit (rod and staff-not for beating, never) to protect, guide and teach us. Amen and amen.

His righteousness my right standing before God forever. His blood paid for, and His body broken for me to be His righteousness. My Shepherd He will ever be. Not because of my goodness but the Love Grace and Truth of Him for me/us. Selah.

Shalom Beloved


How do you see God seeing You

Do not believe the lies spread by the enemy nor by false teachings (Colossians 2:4-10) or even by our thoughts and emotions. (Hebrews 13:5-9) Our God is a God of love and grace in Truth. He is the God of peace, and He is the One working in us. (Hebrews 13:20-21, Philippians 2:11-13) Amen. It is by His hand of love Jesus came and we are saved. (John 3:16-17, 1:16-17) This is the theme of the Bible. Salvation which came in the Son for man. It has not changed. Amen.

Yes, God appeared angry in the Old Testament and at times He was, always righteous and justified but even in His righteous anger man was given salvation, tempered in Grace of the finished work of the Cross. (John 19:30)

It is easier to believe this of God, lies from the devil (John 8:44, 10:10) than seeing Him for the Truth of His heart of love. In the Old Testament the evidence of His grace is evident: Jeremiah 29:11, Ezekiel 18:23, 33:11, just a few verses showing His heart. Our job is to search out the rest in communion with Him. Amen. Letting the Holy Spirit teach us Jesus. (John 14:26) And of Jesus the Father. (John 10:30) The Truth continues in the New Testament revealed for us. (Matthew 5:17, Luke 24:27) the completeness, finished work of God’s love in Christ Jesus. (I Timothy 2:3-5, II Peter 3:9)

This is our God, He who saved and continues to save us all in His working. Especially when we fail and fall down, NOW is the time to come boldly to Him (Hebrews 4:9-16) for grace in our need. Not to pull away fearing Father (what flesh and enemy wants) but rejoicing in complete forgiveness and righteousness in Christ. (II Corinthians 5:21) Let our repentance, our change of mind in right seeing God’s heart for us allow us to receive grace in truth as we rest in Him. walking out until He comes.

Shalom Beloved


Grace and Peace

The truth of our inheritance in Christ Jesus. In II Peter 1:2-3 we see how abundantly (filled to capacity-Philippians 2:11-13) given unto us by the Father the knowledge (perception, discernment, understanding) of Jesus Christ. Thus, Peter doubling down in II Peter 3:18, the last verse in II Peter. We are graced to know and experience Jesus firsthand (verse 3), personally only for you with Him.

It is according or as long as Gods divine power lasts. Good News He is eternal, our God who is El Shaddai that His divine power will never fail. Amen. We see He hath given, past tense, which means it is already provided even if not seen by our eyes yet. Our needs met (Psalms 37:23-26) all to our good (Romans 87:28) by Christ and His faithfulness. (II Thessalonians 3:3)

Praising God for it is all of Him and none of me. (Jeremiah 29:11) Yes, I obey the leading of the Holy Spirit but when I fall, He still directs, holds (John 10:27-30) and returns me to my feet in Him. My hope (Romans 15:13) secured in Grace and Truth (John 1:16-17) our shalom. (John 14:27) Ever in Christ Jesus, who did, (John 19:30) now is (I John 4:17) and shall be. (Mark 16:19-20)

Shalom Beloved

Ever learning our Lord Jesus



This morning reading, I Corinthians 11:23-34. Am thankful first for the joy of celebrating Jesus’s death in communion and secondly for the Grace and Truth of understanding the communion. Sometimes if we but just read the Word as it is written, simple, the Truth is plain for us.

Praise God for His love and mercy for each of us, as oft as you eat and drink (11:26) is up to you. You do not have to be at church, but good to partake with fellow members, but as oft, at home, on the road wherever, He is there, (Hebrews 13:5) and we do honor, thanking Him.

Our thanks are ongoing as is our Praises and Hallelujahs, together resounding to the heavens and personally a whispered, intimate conversation with our Lord. In honoring Him we acknowledge the love of the Father, our God for and to us (John 3:16-17, 1:16-17) An aside here. Cannot but see the wondrous continuity and work of the Word here. (II Timothy 3:17) Concerning Jesus, two verses (second person of Trinity-Son) in both instances the same verses-16-17. In Hebrew these numbers point to love (16) and victory (17) both ours in Jesus Christ at the Cross. His finished work (John 19:30, Titus 3:4-7) our salvation which we do honor Him in the Eucharist. Amen. I just have to pause a moment and let this revelation sink into my spirit. I know in my soul/heart. It is our freedom of grace and truth in Him, in God’s love. (Galatians 5:1) Amen.

I am very thankful for the right teaching leading me to repentance (change of mind) about 11:27-29. For many years I refused communion on the grounds of my sins and willful rebellion against God and my Lord Jesus. Knowing I was unworthy, at least in my mind and thoughts.

Praise God for the Gracious truth of II Corinthians 5;21 and the surety that I am worthy regardless for the very fact of Christ Jesus blood shed for me. The unworthily is the misunderstanding about the Lord’s Supper. It is called so for a reason, not mine or yours but His. Amen. This is the discernment. His blood has saved me, His body my health and protection. Not what I feel, nor sins committed, nothing of me but all of Him. Therefore, I choose to partake daily with my daily Word, bread (Matthew 6:11) for my remembrance of Him until He comes. Amen. But grace and truth for each of us, as oft as YOU would. Amen.

Shalom Beloved



Amen that our Grace is not a thing or an object but a person. the very person of Jesus Christ who came as Grace and truth. amen. You cannot separate the two for they are as one as God is Triune yet one God. Amen. To do so limits us in our walk and understanding of Jesus.

We see the Church today being healed from years of misteaching and law giving and being restored around the world to the Grace and Truth that is Jesus, this is the True church. His body many yet one in Him. (I Corinthians 12:11-20)

Oh, How the Grace of our Lord lets us embrace each other despite our doctrines and isms recognizing the Truth of Himself as our One. (Hebrews 13:9) Even if rejected by brothers and sisters we know the Truth and His Grace allows us to go on in shalom. Not easy but the journey is short for us before we see Him face to face. What a glory that will be. Amen.

Be at peace beloved, resting in the arms of grace and truth.

Shalom Beloved
