Thank God

Amen, so blessed and favored that our God reigns. Notice it is not reigned(past) nor will reign(future) but He reigns-present and on going. amen and amen (Psalms 47:7-9, 97:1,6,10-12, 99:1,9, Isaiah 52:7, Revelation 19:6)

This is our God and I thank and praise Him for He is good and His mercies have been poured upon on us continuously. (Psalms 118:29) amen

When you say amen you are not only saying so be it unto me but thanking God for His Truth and Grace. Our Lord Jesus. (John 1:17)

So even if the world is filled in darkness and it seems as if we are torn with divisiveness and no hope; filled with hate and stone ears, our God reigns. amen Our Lord Jesus still came and died for us all on the Cross and His blood is ever flowing to us all. (John 3:16, Hebrews 8:8:12-13, I John 4:10) He is our Hope (Hebrews 6:18-20). The Truth of God is ever present in spite of the darkness of this world. Our God reigns amen. For this I am constantly aware of and thankful.

He keeps us amen. He and He alone is filled with Truth and cannot lie. (Numbers 23:19) Therefore by His Grace I seek to give thanks hearing Him. To grow in Jesus (II Peter 3:18) seeing nothing but Him. (I Corinthians 2:2). So not hearing or if I do get distracted by the media and news He is gentle and loving to return my eyes upon Him. (Matthew 11:28-30) He reigns. (I Corinthians 15:57) Amen, Thanks Daddy, thanks Jesus my Christ and thanks Holy Spirit.

Shalom Beloved



This morning reading in Habakkuk, Amplified Bible, my eyes were opened to another meaning for Selah. I know it is, be it unto me, but also to stop and think calmly upon what you have been told. (I Timothy 4) I so like this Truth coming on the heals of the Lords teaching me of just being in Him and resting….Ah. (II Peter 3:18) Indeed, no matter the storms of this world we are ever in the ONE who IS, WAS, shall ever BE. Amen Selah, thinking calmly of Him. (I Corinthians 2:2) He is all.

amen and Selah that in Him we are able to stand (I Corinthians 2:5, 10-13) and in standing (Ephesians 6:10-19) we walk (Habakkuk 3:18-19) always and ever in Him. Selah

Shalom Beloved



If we will stop from time to time and just rest in His mighty and glorious shalom, joy, grace we cannot help but go ah. (Hebrews 4:9-16) It is like when you realize how tense you are and you force yourself to breath deep and then your body relaxes. This is what our Lord wants for us in all situations and in all ways. Why He went to the Cross in the manner which He did. He covered us totally in body, soul and spirit. So we may have AH in Him in every situation. amen His unfailing Love that never changes. (Chris Tomlin, Unfailing Love) AH!

Today I am receiving from God His AH, in His sharing messages and in my readings. He is unveiling Himself in more and more ways and in others confirming to me what He has been saying. AH, He is so good to us. Each of us as we walk in Him (II Peter 3:18) growing and getting AH. It is so refreshing and resting. Our God never fails. What a hope ( Aaron Shust, My Hope is in You)and anchor to our souls. (Colossians 1:27,Hebrews 6:18-20, I Peter 1:3) AH

So be encouraged, first to know you are beloved and pleasing to Abba, by Jesus Christ revealed in you by the Holy Spirit. Secondly, God is actively in you even if you do not yet see or understand. He is there and His plan is being accomplished. AH! ( Deuteronomy 31:6, Jeremiah 29:11, II Thessalonians 3:3)

You are kept (God is actively guaranteeing, protecting by His means, offensively and defensibly-Ephesians 6:10-18) by the power of God through faith( II Timothy 2:13-receiving, trusting, believing) unto salvation ready to be revealed (bring to light-Jesus) in the last time. (end times) (I Peter 1:5) AH in verse five which denoting Gods Grace. Always Grace, mercy and Truth unto us who believe and receive. amen (Psalms 118:29) It is to all but you must AH and take from Him the ultimate gift given us. amen

AH Shalom Beloved


Never Ashamed

Amen and thanksgiving to our God. All Praises to Him. The Lord reminding me of His great love and mercies (Psalms 118:29) In Joel 2:23-29 we see what the Lord will do for the Nation of Israel, His chosen. We NOW are experiencing this in the Church. (His Body-Ephesians 1:17-23)) He is raising us up into the fullness of His Grace and Truth (John 1:17) in these last days. Not for our glory (II Corinthians 4:3-7)but that Himself will be seen by all. The world will know and be without excuse. (Romans 1:19-20)

This does not mean we do not exercise wisdom waiting upon the Holy Spirit to speak or to do. But as He calls us we are not ashamed of our God, His Truth, our Lord Jesus nor His direction for this nation. We are blessed by the Blood and Body of our Lord. (I Corinthians 11:23-26) It is not because we are so good but rather His people called have led in this nation to Him. Is this nation perfect no, is any? No! But we have been blessed to worship Him and not be ashamed. Not only as a nation but as the Church, His Body. We are given Him, life giving water. (John 4:14) To grow in Him. (II Peter 3:18) We have plenty and He is dealing with us wonderfully even now more in these darkening days. Oh the light of His Glory is burning brighter and brighter. All the enemy tries to destroy our God tuns for our good to His glory. (Acts 26:18, Romans 8:28,-34) amen I will not be ashamed, or be caused to be ashamed. But be humbled in His glorious victory. Once for all at the Cross for all eternity. He is so we are. (I John 4:17) amen

He HAS POURED out His Spirit upon us now. Oh so blessed, favored, triumphant in Him. His Spirit is moving just as in the beginning of Creation. (Genesis 1:2) amen

Shalom Beloved



It is not and it, a theology, emotion, or man made but rather a person. His name is Jesus and He is our Christ, our Savior. All because of His love, His Grace. This is Gods very nature. Yes He is Holy, Just and must judge sin. But He did this in His love by sending His Grace in person (John 3:16-17, John 1:17) to become or sin. So sin is not the question anymore but have you taken and accepted the sacrifice that God gave.

It is by His Grace, Himself we may and are enabled to receive all He has given us. (II corinthians 1:18-22) The beauty of Him in His Grace is it never changes. (Hebrews 13:8-9) It is never dependent upon us or what we do. Grace is and does. This was again brought to my attention by Abba this morning. As I listened to the news, taking in the worldly view, I (here is the crux, I and not Grace) was getting angry. I was thinking self and not resting in Grace, Jesus. But Grace was so gentle and quick to bring me back to Himself. Yes and amen With a lot of hallelujahs thrown in.

Some say what would Jesus do. I think the better question is, what did Jesus do that is now ours in Him. This is what changes us from the inside out. Grace and never judgment or condemnation. (Romans 8:1-2)

I also think it is harder to see and receive grace when things are going well. We, or I have a tendency to think OK. This is true in Him (I John 4:17) but the key is Jesus Himself in whom I am. amen It is His righteousness (II Corinthians 5:21) and not mine (Titus 3:5-6) but it is mine in Him. Sounds like opposites but it is not. Just as I proclaim I am righteous in Him so to I claim and declare I love for I am in Him. His Grace, Himself causes us to be so. Why I am encouraged daily by Him seeing His Grace transforming me into Him more and more. (II Peter 3:18) amen

Shalom Beloved
