So blessed to have THE WORD. Jesus Christ (John 1:1-2) came to us (John 1:17) from the very heart of love. (John3:16) Being blessed for life, instruction, fully equipped. (II Timothy 3:16-17) The Word brings us into total communion with God in every area of our lives. (Hebrews 4:12)

We are given or having the oil from the Holy One to perceive the Word (II peter 3:18) to know all (II Corinthians 1:20) things. Which is knowing, having personal relationship with Jesus our Christ our Word. this is the Worde which came forth and has so from the beginning. God the Father has sent the Word, whose word cannot return void unto Him. (Isaiah 55:8, 11-12, Romans 4:20-22) We are living examples (II Corinthians 4:6-7) of this Grace and Truth to His glory.

Therefore, in the Word we go out with joy being led forth in shalom in all we do. Having the power of hope (Romans 15:13) in the Word to do all things (Philippians 4:13) and know all things are for our good. (Romans 8:1-2,28,38-39)

Why being daily in the Word is so important for us. Speaking we hear Him. Reading we see Him. Listening we are embraced in Him. Our eyes upon the Word and not the things of this world we see Him. Ever blessed, never alone so His Word to us is. (Lamentations 3:22-24, Hebrews 13:5)

Shalom Beloved


For Our Learning

I so much love and need the confession of Romans 15:13 daily. Our hope/confident expectation of God to us, filling us/to our capacity in His hope by His power of the Holy Ghost. Always by His power and Grace the Truth (John 1:17) is we cannot but God can and did. (I John 4:9-10) Amen.

The Holy Spirit reminding me to read the Scriptures (II Timothy 3:16-17) before in Romans 15. (Amen for 15 is multiple of 5, grace and grace and grace, The Triune God for us). How the Word (John 1:1-2) is for our learning/instruction (to function in) and the increase in our accepting and receiving Gods hope. (II Peter 3:18) His joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and solace (John 14:27) in all things.

Daily as we are being taught by the Holy Spirit the truth and the depth, width, height (Romans 8: 35-39) and boundless nature of Fathers love for us in Christ Jesus we are learning to walk/function in all the promises of God to us in Christ. (II Corinthians 1:18-22-with God IS YES and amen. no maybes)

So, by Gods power of hope in us we are enabled to receive, believing, learning Him who is our righteousness, life, salvation, health, prosperity, learning to His glory in us. (II Corinthians 4:5-7, Philippians 4:11-13)

Shalom Beloved


Love has been perfected among us

I John 4:17 says it this way in KJV, ” herein is our love made perfect”, amen. Knowing that it is the Love of God in us having made us perfect in Christ. (II Corinthians 5:21) What gift we carry now here on this earth, not waiting to get to heaven but NOW IS. Amen. Love has been (past tense-done-but forever with us-eternal) perfected. Meaning there is nothing else that can or may be added too. Fully finished and done in our hearts and lives.

Thus, we are freed forever from the fear of death and sin (Romans 8:2) to live in the perfection of God’s love for us. We are freed from the fear of being condemned (Romans 8:1) and judgement. (John 3:17) His love gives us total shalom, Christ peace in this world (John 14:27) to live in freedom and not torment (I John 4:18) nor bondage. (Galatians 5:1)

Praise God for His lover in us being brought/perfected out of us. (Philippians 2:12-13) We do not know sometimes the fear in us, and the Holy Spirit is showing, teaching us our fears to allow the love of God to heal, perfect and remove them. It is not we aren’t but being made/released into the wholeness of Christ. Amen. The torment of the flesh and the enemy is being removed for our total freedom in the Now as Christ is. In whatever area of your walk be encouraged for you are never NOT LOVED or alone. (Romans 15:13, Hebrews 13:5)

Shalom Beloved


Flow of God’s Love

Oh, the vastness of our God to learn and see. (II Peter 3:1) Ever of His love for us (John 3:16, I John 4:8-10,15-19) May His love and shalom (John 14:1,27) pour out from deep in our hearts. (Philippians 2:12-13)

Today just a small journey/ flow of Gods hesed to us reading from the Psalms. Psalms a praise and worship to our God even in troubled times always aware of His love and keeping us. (Romans 8:28)

Psalms 29:11-The Lord gives us strength (physical and spiritual) blessing us with His shalom. (Philippians 4:6-7)

31:3 -our rock (Psalms 91:2 unshakable foundation, Matthew 7:24-25) leading and guiding us (Psalms 23:1-3)

32:1-2-cleansed and forever forgiven because our God remembers not (Isaiah 43:25) because of Jesus’ blood-(II Corinthians 5:21) thus no more judgement (John 3:17) nor condemnation -Romans 8:1) for believers.

33:18-the Lord’s heart is in worship and receiving Him ever in His hope (Romans 15:13) and hesed

34:4-seek Him and He hears you (Matthew 7;7-to believers) and delivers you from all your fears. (II Timothy 1:7, I John 4:18-19) We are able because He came to us first. (John 1:17)

34:8–Oh yes and amen, taste-perceive seeing the Lord is good/excellent/pleasant; to whom? Us because we are loved. Titus 3:4-7

There is much more that I journeyed this morning. Such a peace to walk with Jesus in His words and seeing how He moves in grace with and to us. May your journey today be your personal walk with Him, our Savior.

Shalom Beloved


Hesed ve Emet

Grace and Truth which is found in John 1:17. What a reality of the Word, our Lord Jesus, even before John 3:16. The gift of the Truth in Grace or Grace in Truth. You cannot separate the two. Just as you cannot separate law and demand. One is given and the other came. Amen. This is nothing new but something to meditate upon daily as the Word is our life (bread-Matthew 6:11, John 6:35) always in wave upon wave. The fullness of Jesus is grace for grace in truth. (John 1:16) amen.

Every promise made to us has come to us and not we to God. (Titus 3: 4-7, I Peter 2:9, I John 4:9-10) Ever in Grace and Truth. The Grace of our righteousness (II Corinthians 5:21) and the Truth of our lives to walk not in fear (II Timothy 1:7) but in the fullness (II Corinthians 1:19-22, Ephesians 1:3-spirituallly is manifested in our reality so we now see) of the revelation of Abba to us. (John 10:15, 27-30, James 1:17-18) To intimately and boldy come 4:16-in grace and truth) as children of God (Romans 8: 14-17) to Him for our needs, requests and even just our sighs. (Romans 8:26-27) Oh the Grace and Truth of Gods endless love, His boundless heart to us.

The Truth of His Grace knowing the thoughts of God to us in Christ. (Jeremiah 29:11) Never, never judging us (John 3:17) nor condemning us (Romans 8:1-2) but giving us His Truth in Grace, our Messiah our Savior we are saved. Amen.

Shalom Beloved
